May 13, 2020
Our ideas about how the world works are based on how the world
meets our own expectations. Those
expectations affect our experience - for good or bad- and can
influence our reactions and responses to just about everything and
everyone that we encounter.
Interview With Christy Whitman: Managing Expectations
And Detaching From Outcomes is the title of the Charisma
Quotient Podcast Episode 141 hosted by Confidence Therapist &
Authentic Dating Strategist Kimmy Seltzer.
To dive into what this means, and what this looks like in
practice, Kimmy brings on Christy Whitman to talk through how we
can better manage our expectations of ourselves. Christy is a
transformational leader, celebrity coach, and bestselling author of
"Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful, and
Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money". Right at the top,
Christy shares her personal story of how she discovered meditation
and becoming more in tune with her thoughts, her mood, and how
those affect her relationships.
If you're struggling to treat yourself well, or you don't see
yourself as the kind of person who can attract a quality partner,
this is the show for you. Listen in to get a little
insight into how Christy shook her bad body habit and started to
hold herself to different standards that allowed her to begin
attracting the kind of love she really deserved. This conversation
brings to light how connected all the elements of your life are to
your thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Kimmy and Christy discuss
how your own experiences and expectations of yourself are directly
tied to your unrealistic expectations of others. Kimmy deep
dives with Christy ways you can
release yourself from the self-created trap of bad expectations and
why you should learn to detach from being so focused on outcomes,
especially in relation to dating. Listen in to hear answers to
the 3 questions Christy asks her clients to zone in on their
true “why."
If this conversation resonated with you, and you feel that
fire to start paying more attention to how you talk to yourself,
consider chatting with Kimmy to start the conversation. Don't let
yourself get stuck in the drama triangle of what you think you
should do and beat yourself up for not rising to those
expectations, you need to shift and find a new perspective.
you are finding yourself having unrealistic expectations with your
love life and having a hard time staying
present, schedule a call with Kimmy here You
have the power to change your reality!