Feb 27, 2019
Do you have a ton of dates but they never turn into anything more? Do your relationships tend to fizzle out after a short period? With the rate of divorce hovering close to 50%, how do you turn your dates into real relationships that stick? To answer that question, Kim interviews Dr. Diana Kirschner, PBS Love Expert,...
Feb 20, 2019
Do you hate dating and find it exhausting? If you're like a
lot of people, you might prefer to be in a committed relationship
and just skip the whole meeting-a-bunch-of-strangers-
Feb 13, 2019
Feeling secure when it comes to dating after divorce is easier said than done, especially when it has been a while. Listen in this week as Kim interviews Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt who shares her journey about learning to embrace her sensuality fully after divorce. This candid and real conversation is all about how...
Feb 6, 2019
Women's body confidence has become a global issue. Women around the world, and especially in the US, UK, and Australia have reported that low body-esteem has prevented them from making moves in their love lives and career, big and small. This week, you'll hear Kim's live coaching call with Madison, who wants to...