Apr 10, 2019
you successful in every part of your life except for finding love?
Do you have a hard time turning off your masculine, work energy so
that you can show that feminine, sexy side? Or perhaps you
never learned how to be comfortable in your femininity or you have
turned off that side of you. Whatever your challenge might
be, you will love this week's episode. Kim talks through
how to tap into and use the art of feminine charm and debunks the
myth that being in your feminine can somehow reduce your power,
make you seem silly or easily dismissed. On the contrary, she
brings in a recent study that qualifies feminine charm as an
"impression management technique" that can help you achieve your
goals in all areas of your life…including your love life. Every
woman's definition of femininity is personal, but a few simple tips
can help you land your next date while still being your authentic
self. Listen in to hear Kim's tips on how to utilize your feminine
charm effectively to attract men. If you want to learn how to
be in your feminine more, this is a perfect opportunity to sign up
for a FREE 30-minute call with Kim right
now: https://meetme.so/