Sep 12, 2018
Dating is tough for everyone! But what if you knew there
were common mistakes that you might be making when trying to
attract a partner? There are repetitive behavioral patterns
that show up in us over and over again. When you're able to
recognize your patterns and challenges, you can make adjustments as
needed to get a different result. This week, Kim talks through her
5 Dating Archetypes she has studied over the years as a dating and
relationship coach and therapist. Open up your notepad or grab a
pen because you're going to want to take notes. Now of course these
archetypes are sometimes painted with a broad brush and you likely
won't fit neatly into one box. However, pay attention to which
characteristics Kim talks about that may have derailed a previous
relationship of yours or have prevented you from getting to know
someone on a deeper level. Listen to find out all about each
one and the strategies you can use to break these patterns in order
for you find love! If you want to find out exactly what your
dating archetype is, follow this link: