Apr 26, 2024
Ever feel like you are a fish out of water trying to date later in life? Maybe you feel rusty at the dating game or maybe you never dated at all!? This week’s episode is all about building confidence to date in your second act. Listen in if you're ready to get real about “midlife fulfillment.” Episode 344 of The Charisma Quotient, ‘Finding Fulfillment Dating in Midlife: Interview with Bernie Borges, Kimmy dives deep into relationships, legacy, and finding that sweet spot of purpose with midlife podcast expert, Bernie Borges.
Bernie joins Kimmy for a heart-to-heart on all things midlife fulfillment. They hash out the nitty-gritty of how to navigate the waters of dating in the golden years with sexy confidence. They cover everything from the ever-shifting 5 pillars of fulfillment to the journey of reinvention and finding joy in midlife dating. Get ready for inspiring stories of people who've truly hit their stride and found new love and passion, even in the midst of life's challenges as you age.
If you are having a hard time trying to get out there
and date during your midlife, schedule a free private coaching call
with Kimmy to talk about ways to help you. Book that here