Aug 26, 2020
Welcome back to another success story episode of Where Are
They Now? This segment features Kimmy's direct, honest
conversations with former clients about where they are on their
love journey and what's changed since they started working with
her. If you're looking for the secret to their success, these
episodes provide a roadmap for you to follow.
EPISODE 156 of The Charisma Quotient Podcast is
titled: Stop Using Sex For Love: Where Are
They Now with Lissette
In this episode, you'll meet Lissette who dives right in to
describe her life before she started working with Kimmy. Coming
from a family and cultural background that places a high value on
relationships, Lissette felt insecure about the fact that she was
single. Plus, she was having trouble reconciling her worth, using
sex to feel and find love and was giving away too much too soon.
With Kimmy's coaching and the advantages of the pandemic to force
her to slow down, Lissette was able to meet a great guy and begin a
relationship like never before! Kimmy and Lissette talk through her
lack of experience in monogamous relationships and previous
reliance on using sex as a way to feel connected instead of
focusing on emotions. If you've ever been confused about how to
create emotional intimacy or have limiting beliefs of what value
you bring to a relationship, this episode is for you. This
conversation shines a light on the ways in which you might be
preventing yourself from attracting the kind of partner you really
want. Listen in to hear actionable steps that Lissette and Kimmy
worked on together that allowed Lissette to start leading with her
emotions and start a healthy relationship. You'll hear about how
Lissette built her dating muscles through consistent reflection and
finally started feeling fulfilled by putting energy and effort into
a relationship she cares about.
If you're used to leading with your sexuality as a default or
find that you have trouble establishing meaningful relationships
based on emotional connection, set up a call with Kimmy to talk
here: If Lissette's experience resonated
with you, reach out. The work takes time, but if you put in the
effort, it can happen for you too!
EPISODE 156 of The Charisma Quotient Podcast is titled:
Stop Using Sex For Love: Where Are They Now
with Lissette. The Charisma Quotient Podcast is
available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many of your other
favorite podcast channels.
The Charisma Quotient Podcast: Building Confidence, Making
Connections, and Finding Love from the Outside In is hosted by
Kimmy Seltzer.
Kimmy Seltzer is a Confidence Therapist and Authentic Dating
Strategist implementing targeted style, emotional and social
intelligence to your life.
Sharing a wide array of relational topics, The Charisma
Quotient Podcast focuses on the themes of building confidence,
making connections, and finding love from the outside in.
This Podcast is available on:
And many other podcast sites.
Would you like to connect with Kimmy?