Jul 21, 2021
What does it mean to embrace your feminine power? Are you open
to receiving, letting men earn you, and learning to flow in your
feminine energy? This week on the podcast, Kimmy interviews Petia
Kolibuva, a women's transformation coach who helps her clients
release what is holding them back so they can become the loving,
nurturing, powerful women they've always dreamed of being. If you
are struggling with giving off masculine energy or constantly being
in work mode in your dating life, listen in! This conversation will
deliver you some of the key factors to gaining a new sense of
femininity without giving off the "wrong" impression.
EPISODE 202 of The Charisma Quotient Podcast is
titled: Using Feminine Flow To Attract The One:
Interview With Petia Kolibova
Petia shares
a vulnerable personal story about the struggles she experienced in
her youth and how she emerged from that darkness into feeling that
she was deserving of abundance and happiness in her life. If you're
like Petia, you may have grown up on the offensive, feeling as if
you had to fight or protect yourself from people and situations.
Stay tuned to hear how you can begin to break down your masculine
habits and build softer, feminine ones. Kimmy and Petia walk
through some of the steps that you can take to identify limiting
beliefs that you may have that are blocking you from embracing your
truth. This episode will redefine your perception of feminine
energy as everything from softening your approach, to reconnecting
with nature, to being open to receiving to being more present.
Kimmy talks through the important distinction between being "sexy"
and truly being "in your feminine" while commanding respect in
every aspect of your life. Petia leads an exercise in breathwork to
remind us what is in and out of our control.
If you are looking to embrace your feminine side and have no
idea where to start, Kimmy can help! As always, you can sign up for
a FREE 30-minute breakthrough call with her here:
In one short call you could walk away with concrete tips on how to
be more in your feminine to attract the kind of partner you're
seeking. Also, inquire about her exclusive 6-week class
coming up called Get Your Sexy Back. This interactive and fun
coaching program will teach you how to look and feel attractive,
desirable and feminine so that you capture a man’s interest no
matter who you are with and where you go. If you are
interested in attending go to
EPISODE 202 of The Charisma Quotient Podcast is
titled: Using
Feminine Flow To Attract The One: Interview With Petia
Kolibova. The Charisma Quotient Podcast is available on Apple
Podcasts, Spotify, and many of your other favorite podcast
Charisma Quotient Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts,
Spotify, and many of your other favorite podcast channels.
The Charisma Quotient Podcast: Building Confidence, Making
Connections, and Finding Love from the Outside In is hosted by
Kimmy Seltzer.
Kimmy Seltzer is a Confidence Therapist and Authentic Dating
Strategist implementing targeted style, emotional and social
intelligence to your life.
Sharing a wide array of relational topics, The Charisma
Quotient Podcast focuses on the themes of building confidence,
making connections, and finding love from the outside in.
Would you like to connect with Kimmy?
Instagram: @kimmyseltzer