Jan 29, 2020
Do you believe that you are capable of everything you want to
achieve in your life? Do you believe you deserve a loving, happy,
and healthy relationship? This week, Kim tackles a BIG question
we've all had: are you GOOD ENOUGH? It doesn't matter if you're
already successful by other people's standards or if you're just
starting your life's journey--we all deal with feeling like we're
not *enough* for a lot of different reasons. But sometimes
those negative messages are so loud that it negatively affects your
ability to attract a healthy relationship. If you have ever
questioned whether or not you're good enough to deserve what you
want, this show was made just for you! Kim dives into how your
experience growing up informs how you think about yourself. If
you've ever found yourself trying to fix other people or putting
others before yourself consistently, it may be your way to seek
approval or validation which could be killing your love
life. Kim delivers essential tips that will help you reprogram
the inner critic so that you can walk into your next date,
networking event or any social situation feeling good enough. When
you're ready to shed your insecurities and be honest about your
strengths, you begin to shine and attract the kind of people in
your life who actually deserve you. In our social media-obsessed
world, it can become all too easy to compare yourself to others. To
combat that, you'll hear about what you can do to boost your body
confidence, starting with downloading your free body type guide on
Kim's site,
seltzerstyle.com. So, if you're ready to stop the Gremlins in
your head and start being your best self - sign up for a free
breakthrough call with Kim right here: https://meetme.so/