Aug 22, 2018
On this week's show, Kim talks all about how perfectionism is
holding you back from putting yourself out there in the dating
world. Are you reluctant to build a dating profile because you're
waiting to take the perfect profile photo? Are you avoiding
opportunities to meet new people because you're feeling self
conscious or unconfident in your appearance? This episode will
teach you that for whatever reason you are putting things off,
underneath your need to be perfect is fear. Fear of the unknown,
fear of failure -- whatever it is -- until you take action, you
will never move forward. Kim tells the story of 2 different
clients, both experienced a form of "perfection paralysis", but
they took different approaches to handling the problem. Waiting for
everything to be perfect can feel easier and safer, but if you want
to accomplish something new or create change in your life, you have
to get out of your comfort zone and get into ACTION. This episode
is honest, direct and gives you a little tough love to recognize
that your perfectionism might be an excuse to stay stuck. If
you need a jolt in your life to help you get unstuck, take
advantage of your opportunity to sign up for a FREE breakthrough
session with Kim HERE: