Jun 27, 2018
Fear manifests itself in so many ways in relationships. There's
the fear of intimacy, the fear of abandonment, the fear of being
alone and countless others. This week Kim talks to Melanie Curtis -
author, speaker and fierce life coach, about how to take a leap of
faith and crush your fears! Melanie has been skydiving more
than 10,000 times - something that would terrify most of us - but
that means she's a pro at facing scary things head on and pushing
through no matter what. Kim and Melanie discuss the fact that
inspiration means nothing without the action to back it up. Melanie
shares her process on how to confront fear by acknowledging it
exists, drilling down to the core of that fear and determining if
it's is real or imagined. Kim and Melanie talk through how
important it is to normalize our fears through validation and most
of all, focus on solutions. This conversation will show you that
you are capable of conquering your fears in relationships, because
it's all about building social and emotional skills. If you want
help conquering your fears in the dating world, sign up for a FREE
breakthrough session with Kim HERE: https://meetme.so/