Nov 13, 2019
This week on the Charisma Quotient
Kim and her guest, host of the Men on Purpose Podcast Emerald
GreenForest are talking two major topics you might be surprised to
find out are totally related -- Love and Money! Known as the
Wealthy Life Mentor, Emerald shares the steps to her wealthy life
mindset. You'll hear client stories and examples that show how
interconnected the success of your love life and your money in the
bank are. It all tracks back to mindset. Kim and Emerald's
conversation will prompt you to ask yourself, are you inviting in
opportunities to your life that help you grow and expand, or do
your intentions tell a different story? Kim asks Emerald to go into
the details and origins of her wealthy mindset steps and explain
how those can relate to discovering abundance in your dating life
too. You’ll also hear why creative types have trouble maintaining
an interest in dating apps! This conversation will help
you think outside the box and achieve success in your dating life
by looking at one area of success in your life, and apply them
where you want to see improvement. If this conversation speaks
to you and you're looking to shift your perspective, sign up for a
free breakthrough call with Kim. She will help you learn to create
wealth in your love life! Click here to sign up: