Oct 16, 2019
read every advice column on romance, endured years of therapy,
bought every single book on how to find love...and yet you keep
striking out in the dating scene! So, what's really going on? It
could be any number of things, but... have you ever stopped to
think that you might be overthinking things? If you find yourself
getting stuck in your head, ruminating on what happened, what could
happen, or what you want to happen, this episode is your
answer. Kim will teach you to get out of your head in order
to stay present and date successfully. You'll hear a story about a
guy Kim coached who exemplified the classic case of overthinking.
His experiences might sound familiar to you, and the solutions he
worked on with Kim may surprise you! This show is super informative
because it demonstrates how important it is to be present in order
to make new connections and create attraction. You'll learn several
strategies and secret weapons of how to filter through all of the
noise and information overload, so you can focus on creating a
meaningful connection with the person sitting next to you. If you
subscribe to the belief that it's easier to study than
to “act", then sign up for a FREE 30-minute breakthrough call
with Kim so you can start with putting yourself into action
right here: https://meetme.so/