Mar 20, 2019
Did you know that research says that no one is born
with charisma? It's all learned behavior! On this week's
episode, Kim dives into how anyone can learn her Charisma Quotient
formula with special guest, Dr. Larry Senn. Larry is known widely
as The Father of Corporate Culture and is the author of the
fascinating book, "The Mood Elevator".
Larry walks through the different levels of The Mood Elevator and
how being curious and interested can help pull you up from the
lower emotional states. Listen in to hear all about how Larry has
kept the spark alive with his wife of 40 years and how he
prioritizes his happiness daily. Kim talks through the 3
ingredients that make up her Charisma Quotient, and how it all
starts from the outside in. When you can feel good about how you
present yourself on the outside, that energy can permeate all other
areas of your life. Larry shares lessons he's learned working to
encourage a positive culture throughout his career at companies
like Walmart and The Woolworth Company. Some of the same ideas
apply whether you want to be happier at work, or happier in your
relationship. Either way, Larry's insightful advice to reduce drama
and emotional flareups in relationships is on point!
If you've noticed that you have settled on the lower
levels of the mood elevator when it comes to your self-confidence,
then this is a perfect opportunity to schedule a FREE 30-minute
breakthrough call with Kim. The first step to changing your mindset
and raising your Charisma Quotient! Sign up for a free
breakthrough session here: