Mar 13, 2019
Boring dates... ghosting... narcissists... Sound familiar? In
today's dating world, there's no shortage of bad dating
experiences. When you embark on your journey to find love, how do
you cope with the worst of the dating world and shake the
negativity so you can find the one who’s right for you? On this
episode, you'll hear Kim coach a woman, Maura, who's had a string
of bad dates and is looking for strategies to move forward
baggage-free. Maura’s been getting caught up in a couple of
chemistry storms with men where she races through the first three
dates like a whirlwind and then they come to a screeching stop
before date four, only to find that the men were never really ready
or available for a relationships. Kim and Maura talk through how to
identify upfront what is within her control, and what is not.
Maura makes some real revelations on why she’s been
rushing into the vortex of these tornado relationships and Kim
gives her some practical tips on how to stop the cycle.
This episode is focused on how to transcend your bad dating
experiences by changing your mindset, approach and perspective
which in the end will make you feel uplifted and optimistic.
Kim helps Maura with some effective takeaways to relieve the
pressure of a relationship and to just have fun! If you are in the
market for a breakthrough to lift you out of a bad dating rut, sign
up for a FREE call with Kim right here: